Winter Clothing for Photography & Trying Bird Photography | Getting Back Outdoors

In todays episode we chat quite a bit about my absence from nature photography and some items that have helped me get back outdoors all while I do some bird photography at Gyro Beach and Rotary Beach in Kelowna, BC!

December 16th, 2020

The last time I intentionally went out for outdoor photography was December 16, 2020. On that day I went out to do my festive bokeh but it slushy-rained. By the time I was finished my camera, my clothes, my bag were all soaked. It took me over 3 hours to warm up at home (even after a hot shower and 5 blankets). I remembered telling my fiance that I didn’t like winter photography.

However, six weeks later from that day I finally got back out. The weather in Kelowna, BC can be very dull and grey but I had this itch to photograph at Gyro Beach so I packed up my camera and took a walk.

I ended up falling in love with the details of the landscape again.

Due to the recent snowfall bird tracks could be found all over the beach.

Due to the recent snowfall bird tracks could be found all over the beach.

Okanagan lake was very calm so it reflected all the details surrounding the lake.

Okanagan lake was very calm so it reflected all the details surrounding the lake.

Every now and then you can hear geese in the distance.

Every now and then you can hear geese in the distance.

Winter Clothing for Photography

Over the past week I’ve gotten out three times which feels great and there are a few items that have made coming out to do winter photography slightly more okay and enjoyable.

Winter Boots

Prior to the end of December I was wearing a pair of old pink sneakers I had when I would go out to do outdoor photography. In the summer they’re fine shoes to wear but come the Fall and Winter when puddles form, the air is colder and there’s snow on the ground they are not the best.

At Christmas I was personally gifted a pair of TOM boots that were water-proof, had a high-traction outsole and a comfortable insole. The best part is they keep my feet warm, comfortable and dry when I’m outside.

The brand of boot doesn’t matter just make sure you get yourself a pair of boots that will serve your feet well to whether the elements outdoors.

Winter Jacket

Also prior to December I was wearing a thin sports jacket for photography. It’s not the most appropriate piece for winter photography so at Christmas I was also personally gifted a Patagonia Down Sweater Jacket that keeps me warm outside.

Just like the shoes it doesn’t matter what brand you buy just make sure you have something that will keep you warm and dry outside.


It seems silly but I didn’t like wearing gloves when out doing photography because I have a hard time using my phone with them on and I have limited mobility over my camera. I would usually withstand having cold hands which added to my discomfort outside.

However, recently I’ve decided even if its a little above 0 right now I will wear gloves for the experience. If my experience outdoors is uncomfortable then the likeliness of wanting to get back out is less.

So I should do whatever small thing to make the experience the best for me.

Getting Back Outdoors

Back in December I didn’t cater to curating a good experience when I went out and I should have. I’m excited to get back outdoors to do photograph and birds like Donald (left photo) have helped me get back outdoors!

Duck at Gyro Beach
Ducks at Gyro Beach