One Year | My Adventure with the Olympus EM1 Mark II

I can’t believe it’s been a year! Last April I invested $2100 into buying my Olympus EM1 Mark II with the 12-40mm lens. I remember receiving that package slip and running to the post office because I had 15-minutes to pick up the box or else I would have to wait until Monday. I’ve explored a lot with my Olympus and I’m excited to share how the journey has been in this first year.

When I went to outline this video I had this central question “how has my last year been with my Olympus?” and I ended up with a series of additional questions that I’m going to answer in todays post!

Where has my Olympus taken me?

While reading David duChemin’s The Heart of the Photograph he said in one chapter that photography is not only a means of expression but exploration. So I plotted on a map all of the places that I have travelled with my Olympus! I’ve explored Fort McMurray, Kelowna, Banff and Vancouver. I’ve significantly travelled around the Kelowna area and I do believe that I have only explored as much I have because of my camera and photography.

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What have I explored with my Olympus?

I don’t believe exploration is refined only to physical exploration but also exploration into different photography genres and techniques. Over the past year I’ve experimented with landscape photography, wildlife, timelapses, stop motion, refraction and more!

Exploring landscape photography!

Exploring landscape photography!

Exploring wildlife/bird photography, taken at Rotary Beach in winter of a goose.

Exploring wildlife/bird photography, taken at Rotary Beach in winter of a goose.

Exploring wildlife/bird photography, taken at Rotary Beach in winter of a duck.

Exploring wildlife/bird photography, taken at Rotary Beach in winter of a duck.

Exploring refraction photography, taken inside my home using a laptop with my age, some glass and water droplets!

Exploring refraction photography, taken inside my home using a laptop with my age, some glass and water droplets!

Is there anything I want to explore next?

Reviewing the map that plotted all of the locations I’ve visited I do want to explore more of the North and South Okanagan.

I also want to explore some prism photography, playing with shutter speed (movement) and creative portraits.

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Do I have any regrets?

There were times throughout the year that I did regret not purchasing the Mark III when I bought my Mark II. However, at the time the Mark III was more expensive and didn’t align with where I was with my photography. Overall, I love my Mark II and I don’t regret the purchase.

Would I upgrade or do I have plans to upgrade?

At some points throughout the past year I have thought about upgrading to the Mark III or the EM1X. However, I do not have any solid plans to upgrade. I’m in the middle of a mindset shift that focuses more on creative vision/eye. Investing more money and resources into refining my eye as a photographer.

Is there anything I would buy to assist with my photography goals?

There are some items on my shopping list that I would like to one day buy.

1) Olympus MC-20 Converter: This would be for my M.Zuiko 40-150mm. I would buy it to do more wildlife photography!

2) M.Zuiko 30mm or 60mm Macro Lens: I also have an interest in buying a macro lens so I could explore more macro photography.

3) Olympus Pen: I love bringing my camera everywhere with me. However, sometimes whipping out the EM1 Mark II with the M.Zuiko 12-40mm is a bit much for the environment I am in. Which is why I have debated purchasing the Olympus Pen for situations like this.

4) Olympus Film Camera: I haven’t researched this a ton as of yet. But ever since I inherited my grandfather’s old film camera I have had this interest in film camera’s - learning more about them, learning to take film photos, etc.,

5) New Camera Bag & Tripod: I also really want to buy a new camera bag for hiking. The one I have currently does the job but it’s not perfect. As well, a new tripod that is even lighter and compacter than the one I have now.

These are all items on my shopping list but I rarely now ever impulsively buy. I used to have a really bad shopping habit when I was younger and I would buy and buy and buy. Now, I maintain a list on my phone and when there is an item I want to buy I let it sit on the list to understand if its actually a need or just a temporary want.

Would I ever consider switching (camera brands)?

No, at least not right now. I can’t tell you what I might be feeling or the direction of my photography 10 or 20 years from now. However, at the moment I love my Mark II, I love the glass on the Olympus lenses, and I love the Olympus community.

Do I have a favourite lens?

My favourite lens switches from what I am interested in photographing at the time. When I was doing a lot of bird photography I always had the M.Zuiko 40-150 on my camera body and never left the house without it. Now that I am doing more hiking I absolutely love the M.Zuiko 12-40mm because it’s so versatile for me to get landscape photos then switch to get photos of the flowers on the mountain or self-portraits of us hiking.


Has my customization changed?

If you don’t own an Olympus you should know that it’s extremely customizable! Almost every button on this camera can get mapped to serve a specific function for you. I have had the following customizations for the past year:

1) Back dial: Changes my aperture

2) Front dial: Changes my shutter speed

3) FN1 button: Focuses

4) FN2 button: Switches the view from my screen to my EVF

Every other button on my camera I haven’t really touched to change in the last year.

Is there a feature on the Olympus EM1 Mark II that I can’t live without?

There are so many wonderful features on the Mark II that I wouldn’t want to live without:

1) Image Stabilization: The Olympus camera/s have amazing image stabilization. I for the most part don’t need to bring my tripod unless I’m doing timelapse photography because you can capture stunning crisp photos without one.

2) Articulating Screen: If you read my Which Camera for Travel Photography post you’ll know the camera I purchased a year ago needed to have an articulating screen. I love the flexibility of having an articulating screen especially for ground or awkward shots.

3) Interval Shooting: I love the interval shooting feature of the Mark II when I’m doing self-portraits or taking photos of me and Max or my family. I can setup my camera, change the number of frames and how often it will take the photos and it will take a series of photos instead of just one (giving you plenty of time to get into position or change positions).

There are so many other wonderful features of the Mark II - sequential high/pro capture, manual focus assist, internal timelapse, weather sealing, etc., the list could go on!

Olympus EM1 Mark II toughing the rain.

Olympus EM1 Mark II toughing the rain.

Olympus EM1 Mark II toughing the snow and winter.

Olympus EM1 Mark II toughing the snow and winter.

Olympus EM1 Mark Ii enjoying spring.

Olympus EM1 Mark Ii enjoying spring.

Final Thoughts

I’ve really enjoyed my last year with my Olympus EM1 Mark II and I can’t wait for all the future adventures and explorations I’ll have with it!

Happy Photographing!

Beautifully Wander | Robynne Ikesaka