15 Minute Photography Challenge ft. Intimate Landscapes

Last week I posted a video about intimate landscape photography! In this week’s episode I thought we would try a 15-minute photography challenge also focusing on the topic of intimate landscape photography:

The Challenge

The idea here is to visit a new location (or one that you’ve been to many times) and give yourself 15-minutes to photograph anything.

With intimate landscape photography you don’t need sprawling landscapes you can photograph any beauty within a landscape - line, shape, colour, texture, light, etc.,

Look for details within a scene that you love, are interesting, catches your eye or tells a story about the characteristics of the land.

Why this Challenge?

An exercise like this I believe can help you train your eye and your mind to hunt for details within a scene - an activity that is good if you are trying to practice more intimate landscape photography!

The Photos


From afar this area doesn’t look like much! But let’s look at what details we can find when we get closer!

I loved this lone tree off to the side of the beach. To make it more interesting I positioned the camera behind some leaves and used it as foreground blur.

I loved this lone tree off to the side of the beach. To make it more interesting I positioned the camera behind some leaves and used it as foreground blur.

On this day at the beach it was extremely windy so it was causing ripples in the lake.

On this day at the beach it was extremely windy so it was causing ripples in the lake.

On the side of the beach was this fallen tree. It had rough wood texture on the bottom of the tree and smoothe texture on the top that was interesting.

On the side of the beach was this fallen tree. It had rough wood texture on the bottom of the tree and smoothe texture on the top that was interesting.

On the other end of the log you it had this marble like pattern that was a detail I loved!

On the other end of the log you it had this marble like pattern that was a detail I loved!

All the tree’s on the side of the beach were slanted which I thought was interesting. To make the photo more creative I used some leaves that had fallen on the ground to add some foreground blur and further frame the slanted tree.

All the tree’s on the side of the beach were slanted which I thought was interesting. To make the photo more creative I used some leaves that had fallen on the ground to add some foreground blur and further frame the slanted tree.

This was the last photo I took in the 15-minute challenge. This view was from the beach and I liked the shading of the land masses and the clouds in the horizon. If I had a tighter zoom I would have used it but I only had my 12-40mm to work with.

This was the last photo I took in the 15-minute challenge. This view was from the beach and I liked the shading of the land masses and the clouds in the horizon. If I had a tighter zoom I would have used it but I only had my 12-40mm to work with.

Let me know over on the YouTube video if you’re going to try the 15-minute photography challenge!