Why I Love Kelowna in Celebration of Love for Kelowna Day | Favourite Photos of Kelowna

Today is Love for Kelowna Day and I wanted to celebrate by getting personal with you and share my history with Kelowna, why we decided to move back, why I love it here, how this small promise I made has changed my life and some of my favourite photos that I’ve taken in this gorgeous place!

Growing up in Kelowna

I was born and raised in Kelowna, BC. It’s crazy to see how much development has occurred in Kelowna since I was a child.

I used to really look forward to leaving Kelowna and living in a new city because of the adventure. It wasn’t until I actually moved away to Fort McMurray that “the grass is always greener on the other side” became true.

In 2018, I moved to Fort McMurray (northern Alberta) and I lived there for a couple of years and although it didn’t work for us long-term it was a wonderful growth opportunity and I’m happy it’s a chapter in my life because it played a huge role in who I am today.

Moving Back

We decided to move back to Kelowna for a couple of reasons. The biggest motivator was that we weren’t happy living in Fort McMcMurray, we didn’t enjoy living there, I didn’t enjoy my job, and we missed our family back home so we decided to come back.

My Promise

In May of last year I made this promise to myself that I was going to live a fuller life and that I was going to adventure more. It’s crazy how a small promise can change your life but because of this promise I have seen and done more in Kelowna than I EVER did in the 22 years I lived here before.

What I Love About Kelowna

There are so many wonderful things about Kelowna that I love but when I wasn’t living here there were things that I really missed.

  1. The Mountains: I love the mountains, I missed them so much when I was living in Northern Alberta because it’s fairly flat. Every time I would come back home to visit I would just stare at the mountains and the hill sides.

  2. Okanagan Lake: I missed having a gorgeous lake that I could cool down in the summer in, enjoy a day at the beach, and do some water activities.

  3. Family: Both of our families live here in Kelowna and I missed them while I was away, the birthdays, family dinners, holidays, coffee nights, etc., They were a huge reason why we decided to move back…to be closer to family.

  4. The Outdoors: There are so many incredible beaches, parks, hikes to enjoy here in Kelowna. Ever since the Spring I have been trying to do one hike a week to get outdoors more and explore more of the Valley.

  5. Wineries: Kelowna has so many wineries! I love the smaller, local wineries that have a unique story. I never did a wine tasting before I left and now I’m obsessed!

Favourite Photos of Kelowna

Since I’ve been exploring Kelowna more here are some of my favourite photos of this beautiful place!

spring morning at tugboat beach-1.jpg
spring morning at tugboat beach-3.jpg
spring morning at tugboat beach-5.jpg

Leave me a comment over on the channel if you live in Kelowna (or if you don’t) and why you love where you live!

Happy Photographing!

Beautifully Wander| Robynne Ikesaka