Lots of inbetween moments this week :)
For Mothers Day my hubby and the kids treated me to a home made breakfast ft. crepes. This is a treat for me cause normally I only eat them once a year at Christmas time when my mom makes them. They were delicious! Afterward we went to the mall where he gave me five minutes in Indigo to choose as many books as I wanted and he’d buy and then we finished our trip out at the park.
The rest of the week was lots of little moments at the park - picking Dandelions, going for walks, playing in the sand.
I loved this afternoon out with the kids. We don’t normally get outside in the afternoon but we did a quick 20 minute walk to the field by our house and it was perfect. We collected rocks and flowers :)
This afternoon was a cleaning day so lots of time at home and lots of cute (and not so cute) moments.
Reflection photos have been a favourite of mine! Some inbetween moments caught in reflections.