if you don't like snakes look away | photodump 04

The other morning I took the kids out for a walk on Kelowna’s Rail Trail. We had stopped (so Victoria could fix her boot) and while we were standing I could hear this soft rustling beside me. When I looked over I didn’t see anything. It was confusing because I could still hear a soft rustling. I thought it was a small bird so I kept staring to see if I could spot it. I then realized…it was a nest of snakes…Thankfully they’re just little garden snakes so nothing worrisome. I picked Victoria up and pointed out the snakes. We kept walking a little bit before turning around and that was when I panicked. As we were walking back Victoria ran right towards the nest of snakes and all rationality, all calmness went out the door. I quickly picked her up and ran. In the commotion I must have dropped my phone but a kind gentlemen on a bike found me at the beginning of the Rail Trail and asked if I had dropped it (thank you a million to this rider - I honestly don’t know when I would have noticed it was gone.)

It was definitely a more eventful morning out with the kids.